07/24/2015 • The paper describing the SHIELD is published in Database (Oxford).

04/22/2015 • The dataset of FACS sorted hair cells is now published in the Journal of Neuroscience and can be downloaded.

04/08/2015 • SHIELD helped a new study of hair cell development and function published in the Journal of Neuroscience.

03/27/2015 • SHIELD facilitated the identification of another nonsyndromic deafness gene, published in PLoS Genetics .

03/25/2015 • SHIELD facilitated the identification of a new nonsyndromic deafness gene, published in PLoS Genetics .

03/16/2015 • A new dataset of adult cochlear inner and outer hair cells is now available.

03/12/2015 • SHIELD facilitated the study of XIRP2, an essential actin crosslinker in inner ear hair-cell stereocilia, published in Cell Reports.

02/09/2015 • Please check out new graphs of gene expression data of FACS-sorted inner-ear cells for your favorite genes! Please reload the webpage if the graph does not display properly the first time.

02/08/2015 • GRCm38/mm10 annotations have been added.

01/14/2015 • SHIELD facilitated the identification of new candidate genes involved in hearing, published in PLoS One .

12/11/2014 • The RNAseq and ChIPseq study of multipotent otic progenitor cells is now published in Stem Cell Reports and the dataset can be downloaded.

06/18/2014 • SHIELD supported a new study of miRNA function in the inner ear, published in BMC Genomics.

05/06/2014 • SHIELD facilitated the identification of a new nonsyndromic deafness gene, published in Human Mutation.

04/07/2014 • SHIELD facilitated the identification of a new nonsyndromic deafness gene, published in Human Mutation.

01/29/2014 • SHIELD facilitated the identification of a new nonsyndromic deafness gene, published in Human Molecular Genetics.

09/05/2014 • SHIELD facilitated the identification of a new nonsyndromic deafness gene, published in PLoS Genetics.

07/24/2013 • SHIELD helped a study of neural development in the inner ear, published in the Journal of Neuroscience.

05/29/2013 • SHIELD is referred in a review on the genetics of hair cell development and regeneration, published in the Annual Review of Neuroscience.

02/18/2013 • SHIELD helped the study of a deafness gene, published in PLoS One.

02/04/2013 • SHIELD helped a study of gene therapy in the inner ear, published in Nature Medicine.

02/01/2013 • The proteomic study of chick vestibular hair bundle is now published in Nature Neuroscience and the dataset can be downloaded.

11/08/2012 • SHIELD helped a new study of inner ear development, published in PLoS One.

10/01/2012 • SHIELD facilitated the discovery of a new Usher / nonsyndromic deafness gene, published in Nature Genetics.

06/21/2012 • SHIELD facilitated the prioritization of new candidate genes in a new mapped genetic locus for Usher syndrome, published in the Journal of Human Genetics.

04/11/2012 • SHIELD helped to verify gene expression in Drs. Levin and Holt's recent publication in the Journal of Neurophysiology.

03/07/2012 • The SHIELD Database now open to the public

02/28/2012 • SHIELD poster presented at the ARO Midwinter Meeting

02/27/2012 • SHIELD announced at the ARO Midwinter Meeting

02/20/2012 • Chicken utricle stereocilium proteomics data now available

01/17/2012 • P16 utricle data added to the FACS RNA-Seq dataset